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Teachers College
student teacher supervisor
Posted Salary:$499k - $12.5m/yr
Market Salary: $23k - $45k/yr
Market salary is Jobtrees’ estimate of the expected pay range for this job type and location. Users can expect the actual pay for the posted job may not fall within the estimated range.
new york - united states
3 weeks 3 days ago

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Job Description

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Posting Summary:

The Office of Teacher Education at Teachers College seeks supervisors to provide support in the assessment of student teachers currently enrolled in various teacher preparation programs.

Supervisors serve as resources for student teachers as well as act as liaisons between the College and the field. Supervisors offer experienced and objective perspectives on overall classroom effectiveness. This position offers flexibility of scheduling.

Job Summary/Basic Function:

The Office of Teacher Education at Teachers College seeks supervisors to provide support in the assessment of student teachers currently enrolled in various teacher preparation programs.

Supervisors serve as resources for student teachers as well as act as liaisons between the College and the field. Supervisors offer experienced and objective perspectives on overall classroom effectiveness. This position offers flexibility of scheduling.


  • Observe and gather assessment data on lessons conducted by student teachers at various school sites
  • Provide descriptive feedback on a student teacher's execution of professional responsibilities (lesson planning, implementation and assessment, classroom interaction, maintenance of records)
  • Help the student teacher relate teaching theory to classroom practice (e.g., discuss reasons for selecting materials and methods)
  • Help the student teacher develop consistent classroom management practices conducive to learning, which promote respect for others and for cultural and linguistic diversity.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Three years of P-12 teaching experience and/or related contemporary professional experience
  • Certified in supervisory practices
  • Strong written and oral communication skills
  • Excellent people skills and organizational skills
  • Bachelors Degree

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Previous supervisory experience
  • Knowledge of New York City school system
  • Experience working with new teachers

Salary Range:

$240.00 to $6000.00 (dependent on the number of student teachers and visits)

Work Modality:


Employment Type

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