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extrusion operator
Market Salary: $33k - $56k/yr
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2 days ago

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Job Description

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Job DescriptionJob Description

Performs practical work on several workstations on all machines/sections within a production line

What We Offer

  • A commitment that Safety is #1

  • Competitive benefits, pay, and retirement plan options!

  • Career growth, stability, and flexible work arrangements.

Responsible Manufacturing - Protecting Our Planet for the Future

  • We utilize renewable energy and a closed loop recycled water process.

  • We are committed to reducing greenhouse emissions and water consumption.

  • We are the only flooring company recognized by the Asthma and Allergy foundation.

Who we are:

With a history of 140 years, Tarkett is a worldwide leader in innovative flooring and sport surface solutions with 12,000 employees and 34 industrial sites. Offering a wide range of products including vinyl, linoleum, rubber, carpet, wood, laminate, artificial turf, and athletic tracks. The Group serves customers in more than 100 countries across the globe.

Committed to change the game with circular economy and to reducing its carbon footprint, the Group has implemented an eco-innovation strategy based on Cradle to Cradle principles, fully aligned with its Tarkett Human-Conscious Design approach.

Tarkett is listed on Euronext (Compartment B, ISIN FR0004188670, ticker: TKTT).

Tarkett is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity in backgrounds and in experiences and promote an inclusive workplace where all employees can perform at their best.

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