Food and Beverage Manager Job Description

A Food and Beverage Manager is responsible for overseeing the operations of a restaurant, bar or catering facility. They are in charge of managing staff, developing menus, ordering supplies, controlling costs and improving customer service. The manager must also ensure that all health codes and regulations are met while maintaining an efficient operation. Additionally they will be expected to analyze financial statements, develop marketing strategies and evaluate customer feedback to continually improve the business’s performance.
- food and beverage manag...Round One Entertainment...tucson, AZPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$45k - $82k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Round One Entertainment...national city, CAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$52k - $98k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Hotelshonolulu, HIPosted: Mar 12, 2025Posted Salary:$65k - $75k/yrMarket Salary:$47k - $87k/yr
- senior food and beverag...Hiltonabilene, TXPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$46k - $86k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Hiltonorlando, FLPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$45k - $85k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Churchill Downs Incorpo...louisville, KYPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$44k - $82k/yr
- senior food and beverag...Hiltondallas, TXPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$46k - $87k/yr
- senior food and beverag...Delaware Northboston, MAPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$52k - $97k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Hiltondallas, TXPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$46k - $87k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Goodwin Recruitingel pasoPosted: Mar 12, 2025Posted Salary:$70k - $75k/yrMarket Salary:$45k - $83k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Hiltonseattle, DCPosted: Mar 12, 2025Market Salary:$51k - $96k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Long Beach Hiltonlong beach, CAPosted: Mar 11, 2025Posted Salary:$64k - $96k/yrMarket Salary:$51k - $93k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Evergreen Alliance Golf...naperville, ILPosted: Mar 11, 2025Posted Salary:$33k - $75k/yrMarket Salary:$48k - $91k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Hotelsboston, MAPosted: Mar 11, 2025Market Salary:$52k - $97k/yr
- food and beverage manag...Hotelswashington, DCPosted: Mar 11, 2025Market Salary:$49k - $93k/yr
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Education you need to become a Food and Beverage Manager
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Food and Beverage Manager
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Associate Degree in Culinary Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in General Studies
- Bachelor Degree in History
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in International Relations
- Associate Degree in Baking and Pastry
Annual Pay Estimate for Food and Beverage Manager and Other Important Info
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Career Paths for Food and Beverage Manager
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Jobs to start your career in becoming a Food and Beverage Manager
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