Physical Therapist Job Description

The Physical Therapist uses techniques to assist people with injuries and illness in order to recover movement, reduce pain, get stronger, become more flexible, and better perform daily tasks. Their role is consulting with patients to learn about their physical condition, assessing and interpreting patient evaluations and test results, and developing treatment plans using a variety of treatment techniques. Their responsibilities are advising patients on exercise techniques and in-home treatment options, providing educational information about injury restrictions, ergonomics and ways to support physical health, consulting and collaborating with other healthcare professionals, documenting pa...
Steps to take to start your career as a Physical Therapist and other jobs like it
- Most physical therapy programs require a bachelor’s degree including specific prerequisite courses in areas like anatomy, physiology, and psychology. Knowing the prerequisites before choosing what to study will save you having to complete those courses later.
- Earning a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as biology, kinesiology, exercise science, or a science focused major will likely include most if not all required physical therapy program prerequisite courses. You can however complete any undergraduate major and add on the additional prerequisite courses
- Apply to accredited Doctor of Physical Therapy programs. (Need a bachelor's degree & prerequisite classes) DPT programs in the USA typically take around three years and involve both classroom instruction and hands-on clinical rotations under the supervision of experienced physical therapists.
- After graduating from a DPT program, you'll need to pass the NPTE to become licensed. This exam assesses your knowledge and skills in the field. Each state may have specific licensing requirements, so be sure to check in your desired location for work.
- Physical therapists can choose to specialize in areas such as orthopedics, sports, neurology, or pediatrics. This will likely involve additional training and or certifications.
What it’s Like Being a Physical Therapist
I see my patients from 45 minutes to an hour, so I really get to know them, know about their life and it's great to see somebody who comes to me with crutches, very able to walk, very able to move their knee and now is kind of like running a marathon, right? So, you really get to see the patient's progress over the course of time and you are instrumental in doing that.
Physical Therapist Job Requirements
You are mostly on your feet and you know you are close to the patient and you're moving their different body regions and you are showing them how to squat and how to learn so you have to be physically fit or at least know how to do those things or able to demonstrate those things.
It's a field where you have to really know the science, you have to know the physics, the biomechanics, the anatomy, physiology.
Degree Needed for Physical Therapy
The initial schooling is very similar to medical school and then it gets more rehab focused. Mostly people pick kinesiology because a lot of credits in kinesiology can be used for PT school. You can do 4 years of undergrad, then you do your DPT.
Physical Therapy Careers
I've been in this field for like over 12 years now and I own my practice. I have worked in a hospital, I have worked at Google as a PT so you know a corporate PT is a great job as well. I have worked with different dance schools doing injury prevention workshops, I have done ergonomic workshops, I have worked in different outpatient facilities in different parts of the US and different parts of the world.
Pros of Being a Physical Therapist
I think it's very dynamic, diverse, and you'll never be bored. Physical therapists have very low rates of burnout. I think it's awesome.
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Education you need to become a Physical Therapist
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Physical Therapist
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Master Degree in Physical Activity
- Bachelor Degree in Physical Therapy
- Bachelor of Science ( in Kinesiology
Annual Pay Estimate for Physical Therapist and Other Important Info
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Career Paths for Physical Therapist
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Jobs to start your career in becoming a Physical Therapist
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