Proofreader Job Description

A Proofreader performs a 'quality check' on publications and may work on books, magazines and newspapers, websites, and academic or business reports. Their role is making corrections on written text using special marks that are usual and recognized in the printing and publishing industry. Their responsibilities are to proofread written and digital work products, read original copies of a manuscript against typeset proofs to catch typing mistakes, crosscheck references and data, review the output for consistency, collaborate with team members, check typeset documents to ensure the publisher used the correct font style, size and text spacing, improve the editing processes, and be responsible f...
- proofreader/editor phar...Staffmark Groupmettawa, ILPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$35k - $80k/yr
- legal proofreaderAdministration-3000dallas, TXPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$35k - $63k/yr
- content proofreader job...Internshala Trainingsoregon, ILPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$20k - $40k/yr
- blr holdings, inc. is h...BLR Holdings, Inc.bridgewater, MAPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- editor/proofreaderRegion 4 Education Serv...houston, TXPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- copy editor & proofread...GrowthX Labschicago, ILPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- the choice, inc. is hir...The Choice, Inc.falls church, VAPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$35k - $80k/yr
- proofreader (remote)Cancure meadows, IDPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$34k - $62k/yr
- seo proofreader-bi-ling...CVS Healthwoonsocket, RIPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$34k - $62k/yr
- medical editor/proofrea...Xavier Creative Housephiladelphia, PAPosted: Mar 9, 2025Market Salary:$42k - $85k/yr
- senior seo copyeditor a...CVS Healthwoonsocket, RIPosted: Mar 8, 2025Market Salary:$36k - $79k/yr
- proofreaderWeCare Medical Specialt...michiganPosted: Mar 8, 2025Market Salary:$34k - $62k/yr
- proofreader & customer ...Visitation Academyst. louis, MOPosted: Mar 7, 2025Market Salary:$32k - $60k/yr
- proofreaderLNK International, Inc.hauppauge, NYPosted: Mar 6, 2025Posted Salary:$34k - $37k/yrMarket Salary:$37k - $71k/yr
- proofreaderFotoColecolumbus, OHPosted: Mar 6, 2025Posted Salary:$62k - $94k/yrMarket Salary:$33k - $60k/yr
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Education you need to become a Proofreader
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Proofreader
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Master Degree in Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in English
- Master of Science ( in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Master Degree in Writing
- Master of Arts (m.a.) in Writing
Annual Pay Estimate for Proofreader and Other Important Info
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