Executive Director Job Description

An Executive Director makes the decisions for a company in how to manage operations and resources. Their role is to maintain a deep knowledge of the markets and industry of the company, analyze problematic situations and occurrences, and provide solutions to ensure company survival and growth. Their responsibilities are to build trust relations with key partners and stakeholders, act as a point of contact for important shareholders, review financial and non-financial reports to devise solutions or improvements, enforce adherence to legal guidelines and in-house policies, make high quality investing decisions to advance the business and increase profits, and lead and motivate subordinates t...
- anaplan solution design...260312-South Florida Re...jersey city, NJPosted: Mar 13, 2025Posted Salary:$124k - $205k/yrMarket Salary:$82k - $199k/yr
- executive directorCampus PreSchoolbinghamton, NYPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$90k - $275k/yr
- executive directorBUFFALO INSTITUTE FOR M...buffalo, NYPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$90k - $275k/yr
- executive directorEl Paso Bridges Academyel paso, TXPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $200k/yr
- executive director- ful...School Sisters of St. F...milwaukee, WIPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $200k/yr
- assistant executive dir...True Connection Communi...gilbert, AZPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $175k/yr
- executive directorTexas Bach Festivalgeorgetown, TXPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $200k/yr
- executive director for ...Law Office of Jason Ska...anchorage, AKPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$82k - $199k/yr
- executive directorAnew Place Incburlington, VTPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$82k - $199k/yr
- executive director - lo...NECA - National Electri...louisville, KYPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $150k/yr
- executive coordinator t...Collaborative Solutions...washington, DCPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$150k - $400k/yr
- executive directorCCMCbroomfield, COPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $200k/yr
- executive directorESCONDIDO CMNTY CHILD D...escondido, CAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$96k - $225k/yr
- executive director - ca...The Granite YMCAstrafford, NHPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$82k - $199k/yr
- associate executive dir...Sagora Senior Livingbartlesville, OKPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $183k/yr
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Education you need to become an Executive Director
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming an Executive Director
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Physics Education
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Political Science
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Annual Pay Estimate for Executive Director and Other Important Info
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