Finance Executive Job Description

A Finance Executive oversees an organization's income, expenses and investments. Their role is to collaborate with the organization’s top executives to review budgeting and taxes, create and evaluate financial reports, and observe economic and financial trends. Their responsibilities are monitoring income and expenses, ensure the organization is profitable, manage cash-flow statements, budgeting and tax planning, and ascertain ways for the company to cut costs and maximize profits.
- senior producer, yahoo ...Yahoo Holdings Inc. inbaltimore, MDPosted: Mar 15, 2025Market Salary:$58k - $115k/yr
- senior producer, yahoo ...Yahoo Holdings Inc. insan jose, CAPosted: Mar 15, 2025Market Salary:$61k - $126k/yr
- senior strategic financ...Bodily10019 new york city new yorkPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$56k - $114k/yr
- campbell global - direc...JPMorgan Chaseportland, ORPosted: Mar 4, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $200k/yr
- chief financial officer...1 Overlake Medical Cent...bellevue, DCPosted: Mar 2, 2025Posted Salary:$200k - $1.0m/yrMarket Salary:$150k - $300k/yr
- finance executive assis...Benton Countycorvallis, ORPosted: Mar 2, 2025Posted Salary:$51k - $67k/yrMarket Salary:$40k - $78k/yr
- liquidity and account s...260312-South Florida Re...jersey city, NJPosted: Feb 22, 2025Posted Salary:$0k - $175k/yrMarket Salary:$82k - $199k/yr
- campbell global - direc...JPMorganChaseportland, ORPosted: Feb 21, 2025Market Salary:$80k - $200k/yr
- securitized products - ...144780-Payments Usnew york, NYPosted: Feb 21, 2025Posted Salary:$200k - $350k/yrMarket Salary:$100k - $300k/yr
- long term sales - publi...241387-Comp & Ben york, NYPosted: Feb 16, 2025Posted Salary:$200k - $350k/yrMarket Salary:$100k - $300k/yr
- finance executive assis...Carr Talent Acquisitionst. louisPosted: Feb 5, 2025Posted Salary:$70k - $100k/yrMarket Salary:$37k - $71k/yr
What skills do Finance Executives need?
These are the most commonly mentioned skills in job descriptions for Finance Executive jobs and are ordered by most to least common.
Employers are increasingly more focused on skill requirements. Make sure you are developing or have some of the most common skills for this role.
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Education you need to become a Finance Executive
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Finance Executive
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor Degree in Business Administration
- Master Degree in Accounting - Finance
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Physics Education
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Mathematics
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Annual Pay Estimate for Finance Executive and Other Important Info
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