Process Technician Job Description

The Process Technician monitors and improves the manufacturing processes for a business. Their role is identifying and monitoring production machine parameters, reviewing and testing product and batch quality, and ensuring the production processes run smoothly and efficiently. Their responsibilities are identifying machine faults and production rate errors, maintaining production logbooks, reporting faults and breakdowns to supervisors and production engineers, and ensuring all service personal adhere to safety protocols.
- industrial structural f...CHANNELL COMMERCIAL COR...rockwall, TXPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$37k - $73k/yr
- automation / process te...Futura North Americagreen bay, WIPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$37k - $61k/yr
- plastic process technic...Employment Service Conn...kenosha, WIPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$37k - $61k/yr
- lead process technician...Royal Technologieshudsonville, MIPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$38k - $68k/yr
- process technician iiiClayens US LLCwestminster, SCPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$37k - $69k/yr
- utilities and process t...Zing! Recruitingwest nyack, NYPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- process technicianVapor Pointrobstown, TXPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$37k - $73k/yr
- plastic process technic...BMP Medicalsterling, MAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- process technicianTigre USA Incbeaumont, CAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$41k - $80k/yr
- industrial structural f...CHANNELL COMMERCIAL COR...dallas, TXPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- process technicianTradewaterelk grove village, ILPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- molding process technic...Precise Personnel, LLC.costa mesa, CAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$41k - $80k/yr
- engineering process tec...Inzi Controls Alabama, ...elba, ALPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$37k - $69k/yr
- industrial structural f...CHANNELL COMMERCIAL COR...dallas, TXPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$40k - $80k/yr
- process technicianCambro Manufacturing Co...mebane, NCPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$34k - $62k/yr
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What skills do Process Technicians need?
These are the most commonly mentioned skills in job descriptions for Process Technician jobs and are ordered by most to least common.
Employers are increasingly more focused on skill requirements. Make sure you are developing or have some of the most common skills for this role.
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Education you need to become a Process Technician
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Process Technician
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Associate Degree
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in General Studies
- Bachelor of Science ( in Biology and Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science ( in Accounting
Annual Pay Estimate for Process Technician and Other Important Info
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