Student Teacher Job Description

A student teacher or prac teacher (practice teacher) is a college, university or graduate student who is teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in education. The term is also often used interchangeably with "Pre-Service Teacher". It is a much broader term to include those students that are studying the required coursework in pedagogy, as well as their specialty, but have not entered the supervised teaching portion of their training. In many institutions "Pre-Service Teacher" is the official and preferred title for all education students.
- ithaca college is hirin...Ithaca Collegeithaca, NYPosted: Mar 16, 2025Market Salary:$30k - $50k/yr
- student teacherChild Guidance Resource...havertownPosted: Mar 16, 2025Market Salary:$23k - $45k/yr
- student teacherAmerican Paradigm Schoo...philadelphia, PAPosted: Mar 15, 2025Market Salary:$25k - $50k/yr
- part time - teacher edu...The Pennsylvania State ...harrisburg, PAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$23k - $45k/yr
- clinical school observe...Mercy Universitydobbs ferry, NYPosted: Mar 13, 2025Posted Salary:$54k - $68k/yrMarket Salary:$30k - $50k/yr
- student teacher supervi...Northeastern Universityboston, MAPosted: Mar 13, 2025Market Salary:$30k - $50k/yr
- student teacher assista...Illinois Statenormal, ILPosted: Mar 10, 2025Market Salary:$25k - $50k/yr
- workplus student teache...YMCA of Greater Daytonmiamisburg, OHPosted: Mar 5, 2025Market Salary:$20k - $40k/yr
- student teacher supervi...Keuka College Adjunctskeuka park, NYPosted: Mar 4, 2025Market Salary:$30k - $50k/yr
- fame fellow 2025 cohort...Fund for Advancement of...pittsburgh, PAPosted: Mar 3, 2025Posted Salary:$7k - $8k/yrMarket Salary:$23k - $45k/yr
- student teacher (paid)Vista College Preparato...phoenix, AZPosted: Mar 3, 2025Market Salary:$25k - $45k/yr
- part time student teach...East Baton Rouge Parish...park forest, LAPosted: Feb 22, 2025Posted Salary:$31k - $52k/yrMarket Salary:$23k - $45k/yr
- student teacher supervi...Teachers Collegenew york - united statesPosted: Feb 20, 2025Posted Salary:$499k - $12.5m/yrMarket Salary:$23k - $45k/yr
- student teacher supervi...Illinois Statenormal, ILPosted: Feb 10, 2025Market Salary:$25k - $50k/yr
- student teacher / inter...Alto Independent School...texas, united statesPosted: Feb 10, 2025Market Salary:$23k - $37k/yr
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What skills do Student Teachers need?
These are the most commonly mentioned skills in job descriptions for Student Teacher jobs and are ordered by most to least common.
Employers are increasingly more focused on skill requirements. Make sure you are developing or have some of the most common skills for this role.
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Education you need to become a Student Teacher
These are the most common degrees or certificates earned by Jobtrees users prior to becoming a Student Teacher
There may be other required degrees or certifications needed for this job. The below info shows you the most commonly desired education level from employers when hiring for this job.
- Bachelor Degree in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science ( in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Bachelor of Science ( in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (b.a.) in Anthropology
- Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
Annual Pay Estimate for Student Teacher and Other Important Info
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Career Paths for Student Teacher
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Jobs to start your career in becoming a Student Teacher
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